Petroleum jelly is something that most households have on hand. It's pretty cheap to buy if you don't have any of this on hand. There are many different uses for petroleum jelly around your house so I would most defiantly go purchase some right away. Here are some simple things you can use this stuff on around your home.
Alternative Use #1- Squeaky Hinges- If your house is like mine then something around it tends to squeak. I know my doors tend to do this all the time. Coat the hinge with petroleum jelly and open and shut the door a few times in a row so the jelly can get inside the cracks and you will notice the squeak sound went away. It's great to because it won't drip which means no messes on your floor afterwards.
Alternative Use #2- Car Batteries- If you have ever looked at an old car battery what do you see on the terminals? Rust and corrosion is what you see. This can eventually mess with your battery causes your car not to run. This is because it reduces the battery flow. In the end your corrosion could leave you stranded somewhere which won't be very fun. Get out side with a wire brush and clean them battery terminals. When you're done and its clean, coat the battery terminal with petroleum jelly and you will see how well it prevents the corrosion from coming back.
Alternative Use #3- Painting- If you are going to paint a room in your house, grab the petroleum jelly out before you paint. You can place a coat of this around the edges of your windows and your floors. This will stop the paint splatters from sticking. You can also place a coat of this on your hands so the paint won't stick to our hands when painting.
Alternative Use #4- Gum- If you find Gum stuck on a table, carpet, clothes, hair or any other place you can find gum then you know just how hard it is to get gum unstuck. If you have petroleum jelly, use it. Place a good amount over the gum and let it sit for a few hours. The Jelly will start to disintegrate the gum which makes cleanup a breeze. If you find it in the hair, you can work the gum out with the jelly or you can let it sit like above.
Alternative Use #5- Key Locks- If you live in a state like I do that gets really cold in the winter and frozen locks are not a surprise then you should use petroleum jelly the day before. Simply place some petroleum jelly onto your key and insert it into the keyhole several times. This will work the jelly into the grooves of the keyhole. The next morning when you go to get inside your car, no more frozen locks. The petroleum jelly will protect your lock from the cold.
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